Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Our New Web Store is up!

Our new Web Store for 2010 has been uploaded and is fully operational. We hope you enjoy browsing the store. We'll be adding product and services on a continuous basis so please check back often. Your constructive input would be appreciated as will any suggestions for parts and services that you might want to see. Please click here to take you directly there.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Seasons Greeting to All

We would like to wish all of our customers, vendors and friends a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and a Happy New Year. We very much appreciate your support and look forward to servicing your needs more comprehensively and efficiently in 2010.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Revolution Comps

After many years of threatening to do this, we have finally released our new compensator system in limited quantities (which you can review here). Because we still don't have a good handle on how to efficiently produce the unit in quantities we are building a limited number of pistols in various formats to include the barrel, compensator, recoil and ignition system etc. The rest of the pistol will be left white and unfinished for the final owner to spec out. This gives us the ability to test rolling chassis and have them on hand when an order is cut to alleviate what would certainly be a long production lead time if we were to open the order book on the system. Customers will be placed on a no-fee reservation list and orders will be filled as units become available. The final sighting system and custom feature set can then be determined and we'll complete the unit to customer specification.

We are producing a number of 5" Carry-Comp and 6.125" high capacity IPSC pistol chassis. The first run of these pistols are currently committed but reservation for the next rotation of chassis is open. Please feel free to call with any questions.

Monday, June 22, 2009

IonBond News

IonBond recently closed it's custom shop and is now channeling refinishing from gunsmiths through a custom shop in Oregon. Pistol Dynamics is 'commercial' IonBond customer and is not affected by this action. We will continue to work directly with the company. There may be a short period of instability as far as turnaround is concerned until the internal revamp is in full swing. We are confident that any issues that arise will be minor and short lived, but we do ask for your understanding should your particular order be affected by this change in any way. We believe that IonBond is one of the finest handgun finishes available and we will continue to promote the process on our scratch built pistols and those in our custom gun loop.    

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Website Update

We're in the process of uploading our 2009 Website so please be patient while we do this. Some pages may not be available for a time and there could be some errors as we go through the process. Please feel free to let us know if there are persistent problems or you find incorrect spelling, grammar or other weird South Africanisms that need to be addressed. The new 'Images' page will take some time to be uploaded and the 2008 version may be unavailable for a while. Otherwise we hope you enjoy the revamp.