Having absolutely nothing to do with handguns (for a change), the new PD On-Time Cartridge Caddy for HP rifle shooters is a little gadget we developed with assistance from top F-Class shooter and US F-Open Development Team member, Kenny Adams (left). The unit integrates a countdown timer with 25 rounds of rifle ammunition, making it easy and convenient for a competitor to access the ammo for each string of fire and keep an eye on time without making any gross shifts from the shooting position between chamberings.
The product is machined from aluminum and acrylic and is available in all HP rifle calibers from .223 to 7mm WSM. Some cartridge blocks such as .308 will also work for .284 and .243 etc.
Kenny recently won the Tennessee F-Class Long Range Regional and Paul the Master Class in F-TR using the unit. The response from other shooters and
accurateshooter.com was positive enough to encourage us to manufacture and market it to the shooting public. They are currently in production and can be ordered by calling our main number, or by dropping us an email. Introductory price is $95 and includes a lifetime warranty on the machined parts and a one year warranty on the timer.