You may have noticed that since our 2008 web site update Bullseye guns no longer have their own link even though the spec sheet is still available as a .PDF. At the end of last year we made a decision to limit our production of Bullseye guns by placing them in a ‘Project Gun’ status. We will no longer be accepting individual orders for these guns. Depending on our workload we will continue to build Bullseye guns on occasions and offer them for sale once they are complete and in the white. We will be posting these guns on the ‘Project Gun’ page as they become available. Bullseye guns require a ‘slip fit no shake’ level of build with pre-tested barrels and this is extremely time consuming and costly. It’s also very difficult to maintain a schedule on the guns. We have no specific plan to build any Bullseye guns in 2008. We apologize to anyone we may have dissapointed with this decision.