As expected the Pistol Dynamics Anniversary 1911 pilot gun finished in IonBond is spectacular. The result mirrors a very high end charcoal blue but with a resistance to surface wear second to none. Thanks to all the folks at that company for their diligence and care in handling this very important piece. We have a lot of experience with the process now and our 'Team' guns finished in Ionbond are closing in on 40,000 rounds (each) of hard holstered use. The wear resistance of the finish is impressive to say the least. While our guys seldom clean their guns (3000-5000 round intervals) they all look like new when they are clean and we're convinced that IonBond is as close to a one time finish as there is. Paul spent many hours hand polishing the Centenary pistol to a presentation finish and Ionbond reflected all that work beautifully. Unfortunately the image doesn't do justice, it has to be seen to be believed. Click on it to enlarge.